My magazine is similar to other teenage girl magazines. My front cover layout follows the same conventions of many other girl magazines I did this so that it would apply to a particular target market. I think my media project represents a particular social group quite well as I have used bright feminine colours that draw the reader in. I have also included 5 different stories that the reader would enjoy reading. I showed examples of these on the front cover making the reader aware of the content helping to encourage further interest. I carried out much research to make sure that I reached my target audience however; I feel this magazine would attract the younger half of my target audience as the colours used are quite young and not very sophisticated. As I my target audience wasn't only aimed at 6th formers I therefore didn't do any research on collage magazine which I now felt I should have in spite of this, my research did show that people in years 12-13 did like these colours. The picture I chose has gone well for this magazine as it is a young teenage student who goes to Fortismere. She is not wearing much make-up this is important as one of the stories is about make-up and how you don't want to wear too much (Fashion and beauty at school, more is less).
On the other hand I do not feel like I quite met the target audience set by myself as I think it would appeal more to a younger, if I were to do this task again I would set myself a narrower target market so that I reach the target.
I think the text I have chosen to use on the magazine cover goes well as it is soft and easy on the eye and will be recognizable if seen again. The text used on stories is clear and easy to read which will encourage the reader to buy the magazine. However I have not used the Fortismere font on the magazine as I feel it would be nice for the reader to get away from something the see every day e.g.. on there homework diaries and around school.
From this project I have learnt a great deal about Photoshop, although I do not full understand it I now feel confidant to use it again. However I feel if I had learnt more about Photoshop and had more to practice and make more mock ups then my final piece would look more professional and neat.
I feel my hard effort can been seen in this project however again if I had had more time I would have made the front cover look more expensive and professional I shall therefore use this to help me with my up coming project on music magazines.