I did some research on target audiences a website called Media pack was particularly helpful as it shows the target audience of 6 different magazines and its precise sales, even to how much the readers earn and where they live for example Bridesmagazine is pacifically for woman from South East London.
Social Grade Social Status Occupation
A Upper middle class - Higher managerial, administrative or professional
B Middle class - Intermediate managerial, administrative or
C1 Lower middle class - Supervisory or clerica, junior managerial,
administrative or professional
C2 Skilled working class - Skilled manual workers
D Working class - Semi and unskilled manual workers
E Those at lowest level of subsistence - State pensioners or windows (no other earner)
of casual or lowest grade workers
- Average age -28
- 87% female
- 66% ABC1
- 45% london/SE based
- 500,00 page impressions per month
- 30,000 unique
Rate card
- Banners - £35 cpm
- Skyscrapers - £40 cpm
- Rich Media - £45 cpm
- Promotion - from £5k
- Sponsorship - POA
- Age Range 18-44, average age 23
- 85% single, 83% ABC1
- Average Pi £21,500
- 34% do not visit any other female website
- Glamour.com mobile- now launched on 02 & vodafone live!
- 8 million impressions per month
- 500,00 unique users per month
Rate card
- Banners - £35 cpm
- Skyscrapers - £40 cpm
- Double skyscrappers - £50 cpm
- Rich media - m£45 cpm
- Email sponorsship from - £65 cpm
- Promotion - from £5k
- Sponsorship - POA
- Age range 18-44 average age 28
- 93%female, 29% married, 67% workfull time
- 83% ABC1
- Average PI £47,500
- 33 million page impressions per month
- 1.2 million unique users per month
Rate card
- Banners - £35 cpm
- Skyscrapers - £40 cpm
- Rich media - £45 cpm
- Email sponsorship from - £65 cpm
- Email list purchase - £250 cpm
- Promotion - from £5k
- Sponsorship - POA
- Average age 30
- 97% male
- 85% ABC1
- Average PI £36, 250
- 8 million page impressions per month
- 500,000 unique users per month
Rate card
- Banners - £35 cpm
- Skyscrapers - £40 cpm
- Rich media - £45 cpm
- Email sponsorship from - £65 cpm
- Email list purchase - £250 cpm
- Promotion - From £5k
- Sponsorship - POA
- Average age 38
- 48% male
- 52% female
- Average HHi £103,000
- 91% holiday 3+ times a year
- 2.2 million page impressions per month
- 270,000 unique users per month
- 60,000 PDA users
Rate card
- Banners - £35 cpm
- Skyscrapers - £40 cpm
- Rich media - £45 cpm
- Email sponsorship from - £65 cpm
- Email list purchase - 3250 cpm
- promotion - from £5k
- Sponsorship - POA
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